Amarone Riserva Nicola Ferrari


Purano, Fumane - Valpolicella Classica

Grape varieties

Corvina, Corvinone, Rondinella, Molinara

training System

Pergola trentina


16,5% Vol.

Wine making

The carefully hand-sorted grapes placed in the drying room where they will remain until mid-January. Pressing of the grapes, maceration and fermentation for almost 30 days


Ageing in tonneaux


Deep ruby red colour

Aromas and flavours

Clean, intense and complex aroma or blackberries, plum and cherries jam, balsamic notes and very long finish

Food pairing

Traditional dishes like risotto all’amarone, beef, game, horse meat, lamb, veal, rabbit, wild boar and chees like Parmigiano Reggiano and Monte Veronese